Nak Souvenier best?

apa tu skimboard? skateboard ke?

~pagi tadi tengok dalam berita pasal ni.ingatkan macam surfboard tu, rupa2nya lagi kecik.. dan sesuai la kat malaysia sebab ombak pun x besar macam kat temapt lain boleh surf sebab ombak dia power.. rupanya dah lama ada kat sini tapi baru keluar berita so baru tahu la..

Skimboarding (or skimming) is a boardsport in which a skimboard (a smaller counterpart to a surfboard) is used to glide across the water's surface. Unlike surfing, skimboarding begins on the beach, with skimboarders running and dropping the board onto the thin wash of previous waves. They may use their momentum to 'skim' out to breaking waves, which they then catch back into shore in a manner similar to surfing. Another aspect of skimboarding is 'flatland' which involves performing tricks derived from skateboarding such as ollies and shove-its on the wash of waves without catching shore breaks


KE said...


baru tahu...

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