Nak Souvenier best?


Compare Prices

Do we make it a habit to shop around before buying something or do we just buy it? Some of us might argue that the time and cost of shopping around before buying a bottle of cooking oil or a tube of toothpaste may not be worth it. True and that is why we have to be a Smart Consumer – we should plan our purchases and have a record of prices of these essential items. Here, we could devise our very own “Price Book” to record down the prices of the items that we buy regularly and know exactly where and when we could get the best deal!

For example, if Store A has the lowest prices for most of the items in our shopping list during weekdays, then we should plan our grocery shopping during the weekday there. However, if Store B has the best bargains during the weekends and we are only free during the weekends, we should go there instead. The point is – have a Shopping List, a Price Book and Stick to them. In fact, we can make this entire process a fun family activity by getting our children help in doing a “price survey” each time they go shopping. Each family member can then compare notes to see who can find the best bargain in town! This would not only help us in comparing prices but also teach our children the value of money.

~bandingkan harga ye kawan2.. tapi kalau terdesperate mesti beli je... kena berdisiplin la


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