Nak Souvenier best?

Connected Tots.. Jawab Soalan GTO/ Eyriqazz.

1st Question : Pentingke pemikiran si Manja yang saling berhubung? Apa kata anda?

Ya, amat penting..

Sebabnya kanak kanak mempunyai berbillion sel otak. Namun tidak semuanya berhubung. Apabila kita berfikir/belajar/ mengingat, pada masa itulah sel sel otak akan berhubung(pada masa inilah dipanggil 'the connected tots)..Paling penting perkembangan otak adalah dari bayi sehingga umur 3 tahun.. Jika tidak digunakan atau tidak dirangsang, maka sel sel otak ini akan hilang/mati/susut.

(sebab itu orang yang bijak akan bertambah bijak kerna dia sentiasa berfikir dan berfikir dan berfikir- Kesimpulan peribadi)

2nd Question : Apa pandangan anda tentang Video Connected Tots Experience ini?

Video ini amat jelas sekali menerangkan tentang elemen connected tots seperti yang dibincangkan.
Iaitu pada masa si anak ini berfikir bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kunci yang terjatuh itu.. Terdahulu dia telah diajar bahawa 'magnet menarik besi"..
Jadi saat dia memikirkan magnet menarik besi.. pada masa inilah wujud 'connected tots ini..
dan dengan diperkuat dengan ganglioside- maka sel sel otaknya akan berhubung dan anak bertambah bijak!!

(pengalaman adalah guru terbaik)

info mengenai ganglioside:

Ganglioside is a molecule composed of a glycosphingolipid (ceramide and oligosaccharide) with one or more sialic acids (e.g. n-acetylneuraminic acid, NANA) linked on the sugar chain. The 60+ known gangliosides differ mainly in the position and number of NANA residues.

It is a component of the cell plasma membrane that modulates cell signal transduction events. It appears that they concentrate in lipid rafts.

They have recently been found to be highly important in immunology. Natural and semisynthetic gangliosides are considered possible therapeutics for neurodegenerative disorders.[1]

Gangliosides are more complex glycosphingolipids in which oligosaccharide chains containing N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuNAc) are attached to a ceramide. NeuNAc, an acetylated derivative of the carbohydrate sialic acid, makes the head groups of Gangliosides anionic. NB: the M in GM2 stands for monosialo, i.e., one NeuNAc residue. GM2 is the second monosialo ganglioside characterized, thus the subscript 2. Their structural diversity results from variation in the composition and sequence of the sugar residues. In all Gangliosides, the ceramide is linked through its C-1 to a β-glucosyl residue, which, in turn, is bound to a β-galactosyl residue.

The name ganglioside was first applied by the German scientist Ernst Klenk in 1942 to lipids newly isolated from ganglion cells of brain [2]



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